| Title Description
| Reference
1 | AI Takeover
The AI Plans To Take Over All Of Humanities Souls FOREVER.
by James W. Lee on 2023-10-23
Ancient - Knowledge

2 | Calendrical Calculations Ultimate Edition
An invaluable resource for working programmers, as well as a fount of useful algorithmic tools for computer scientists, astronomers, and other calendar enthusiasts, the Ultimate Edition updates and expands the previous edition to achieve more accurate results and present new calendar variants.
by Edward M. Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz on 2018-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

3 | Fingerprints of the Gods
The evidence of earth's lost civilisation.
by Graham Hancock on 1995-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

4 | Flat Earth
A Plane Truth from the Ancients to the Abrahamic Bibles to Modern Times.
by James W. Lee on 2017-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

5 | Forbidden Archeology
The Hidden History Of The Human Race.
by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson on 1995-04-24
Ancient - Knowledge

6 | How parents have lost complete control over their children?
Legally, Morally and Physically.
by James W. Lee on 2023-11-16
Ancient - Knowledge

7 | Indian Architecture
Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu) 4th Edition
by Percy Brown on 1959-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

by Jonathan Lipman on 2005-09-08
Ancient - Knowledge

9 | Nothing Is True, Everything Is a Lie.
The Bible on 21 Critical Subjects For the Awakening Truther.
by James W. Lee on 2022-05-30
Ancient - Knowledge

10 | One World One America I
When Tartarians and Moors Lived in Peace and Harmony.
by James W. Lee on 2022-12-25
Ancient - Knowledge

11 | One World One America II
Atlantean Antiquitech and Lumerian Giants.
by James W. Lee on 2023-05-02
Ancient - Knowledge

12 | Project Looking Glass - Tesla Time Travel
Research Findings Into Project Looking Glass
by Tyler Durden on 2020-04-06
Ancient - Knowledge

13 | Purple Star Astrology
The Complete Purple Star Astrology.
by Chen Ming on 2003-12-01
Ancient - Knowledge

14 | Queen Califia
Queen Califia And the Island of California She Ruled In Paradise Until The Great Floods Of The Early 1800's.
by James W. Lee on 2022-04-04
Ancient - Knowledge

15 | The Autobiography Of A Yogi
Except ye see signs and wonders,ye will not believe.
by Paramhansa Yogananda on 1935-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

16 | The Gateway Program
A series of techniques that lead to a gateway into different modes of perceptions.
by Monroe Institute Of Applied Sciences on 2003-09-16
Ancient - Knowledge

17 | The Kybalion
A study of the heremetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece.
by Three Initiates on 1908-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

18 | The One World Of Tartarians
The greatest civilisation ever to be erased from history.
by James W. Lee on 2022-11-19
Ancient - Knowledge

19 | Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Sogyal Rinpoche focuses on how to understand the true meaning of life, how to accept death, and how to help the dying, and the dead.
by Sogyal Rinpoche Patrick Gaffney D. Andrew Harvey on 1992-06-02
Ancient - Knowledge

20 | Tibetan Yoga And Secret Doctrines
Seven Books Of Wisdom Of The Yoga Direct Path.
by Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup on 1935-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

21 | Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts
First Anniversary Edition.
by on 2014-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

22 | Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts
Second Anniversary Edition.
by on 2015-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

23 | Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts
Third Anniversary Edition.
by on 2016-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

24 | Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts
Fourth Anniversary Edition.
by on 2017-01-01
Ancient - Knowledge

25 | World War DEW
Directed Energy Weapons - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
by James W. Lee on 2023-09-16
Ancient - Knowledge

26 | Taming The Monkey Mind
A Guide To Pure Land Practice.
by Dharma Master Suddhisukha on 2000-05-01
Buddhism - Mahayana

27 | The Diamond Sutra
The Diamond Sūtra (Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra) [金剛般若波羅蜜多經]
by Dhyana Master Hsuan Hua on 1974-09-01
Buddhism - Mahayana

28 | The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
The Heart Sutra (般若波罗蜜多心经) - The Maha Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra
by Dharma Master Lok To on 2000-11-01
Buddhism - Mahayana

29 | The Surangama Sutra
The Sūtra on the Śūraṅgama Mantra that is spoken from above the Crown of the Great Buddha's Head and on the Hidden Basis of the Tathagata's Myriad Bodhisattva Practices that lead to their Verifications of Ultimate Truth.
by Charles Luk (Lu Kuan Yu) on 1963-01-01
Buddhism - Mahayana

30 | The Teaching Of Buddha
Buddha has no form but manifests Himself in Exquisiteness and leads us with His whole heart of Compassion.
by BUKKYO DENDO KYOKAI on 2005-01-01
Buddhism - Mahayana

31 | The Threefold Lotus Sutra
Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law (Saddharma Pundarika Sutra) [妙法蓮華經] Translated By H. Kern (1884).
by Bunno Kato on 1993-01-01
Buddhism - Mahayana

32 | The Vows Of Bodhisattve Samantabhadra Sutra
The Vows Of Bodhisattve Samantabhadra
by Upasika Chihmann on 1980-01-01
Buddhism - Mahayana

33 | Biographies of The Great Sachen Kunga Nyingpo
Biographies of The Great Sachen Kunga Nyingpo and H.H. The 41st Sakya Trizin.
by Ratna Vajra Sakya on 2003-03-01
Buddhism - Others

34 | Buddhist Arts of Thailand
Main aspects of Buddhist Arts of Thailand.
by Ms Charuwan Chareonla on 1981-01-01
Buddhism - Others

35 | Buddhist Pilgrimage
The idea of a pilgrimage came from the Buddha himself. Before He passed into Mahaparinibbana, the Buddha advised pious disciples to visit four places that may be for their inspiration after He was gone. They are Lumbini, where He was born; Buddhagaya, where He attained Supreme Enlightenment; Deer Park in Sarnath, where He preached the First Sermon; and Kusinara, where He passed into Mahaparinibbana..
by Kuan Ming on 2001-01-01
Buddhism - Others

36 | Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism
This elementary book on Chinese Buddhism and its more popularly worshipped Deities, has been written for the benefit of Buddhists amongst the Chinese community. I refer to them as Buddhists in italics because they do not have a clear idea of their faith. Their spiritual practices have been reduced to mere superstitious beliefs and blind faith due to lack of doctrinal knowledge and opportunities to meet with Dharma teachers.
by Kuan Ming on 1985-01-01
Buddhism - Others

37 | Record Of Buddhist Kingdoms
Record Of Buddhist Kingdoms by Chinese Monk, Fa-Hien
by James Legge on 1886-06-01
Buddhism - Others

38 | Seeding The Heart
Loving-Kindness Practice With Children.
by Gregory Kramer on 1997-01-01
Buddhism - Others

39 | Settle Back Into The Moment
The Experience Of Insight.
by Joseph Goldstein on 1991-01-01
Buddhism - Others

40 | Thai - Cambodian Culture Relationship through Arts
Thai - Cambodian Culture Relationship through Arts.
by Ms Charuwan Phungtian on 2000-01-01
Buddhism - Others

41 | The Tree Of Enlightenment
An Introduction to the Major Traditions of Buddhism.
by Peter Della Santina on 1997-01-01
Buddhism - Others

42 | Theravadin Buddhist Chinese Funeral
How a Theravadin Buddhist Chinese Funeral May Be Conducted?
by Venerable Suvanno on 1989-01-01
Buddhism - Others

43 | To Understand Buddhism
Exerpts from a talk by Venerable Master Chin Kung.
by Master Chin Kung on 1996-01-01
Buddhism - Others

44 | Virtue And Reality
Method and Wisdom in the practice of Dharma.
by Lama Zopa Rinpoche on 1998-01-01
Buddhism - Others

45 | Volcanos
For the stilling of Volcanos.
by Venerable Sujiva on 1994-11-06
Buddhism - Others

46 | What Buddhists Believe
Life And Message Of The Buddha.
by Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda on 2002-01-01
Buddhism - Others

47 | Wind In The Forest
Poems by Sujiva.
by Venerable Sujiva on 1998-01-01
Buddhism - Others

48 | Womb To Womb
Metamorphosis of a mother.
by Francis Story on 1997-01-01
Buddhism - Others

49 | A Critical Analysis Of The Jhanas
A Critical Analysis Of The Jhanas In Theravada Buddhist Meditation.
by Henopola Gunaratana on 1980-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

50 | A Manual of Abhidhamma
An indispensable guide for Abhidhamma as well as an intellectual treat.
by Narada Maha Thera on 1987-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

51 | A Taste Of Freedom
A Taste Of Freedom.
by Ajahn Cha on 1980-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

52 | Aṅguttara Nikāya: Numbered Discourses
Translated for Sutta Central From Pail Text Society Originals.
by Sujato Bhikkhu on 2019-11-13
Buddhism - Theravada

53 | Bhavana Vandana
Book of Devotion
by H. Gunaratana Mahathera on 1990-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

54 | Buddhism In A Nutshell
Buddhism in a Nutshell first appeared in 1933. Since then several editions were published by various philanthropic gentlemen for free distribution..
by Narada Mahathera on 1982-05-07
Buddhism - Theravada

55 | Buddhist Dictionary
Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines.
by Nyanatiloka on 1980-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

56 | Cause and Effect
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

57 | Clearing The Path
Writings of Nanavira Thera (1960 - 1965).
by Nanavira Thera on 1988-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

58 | Consciousness And Suffering
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

59 | Dependent Origination
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

60 | Desire And The Foundation of Mindfulness
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

61 | Doubts About The Path?
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

62 | Dukkha
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

63 | Dīgha Nikāya: Long Discourses
Translated for Sutta Central From Pail Text Society Originals.
by Sujato Bhikkhu on 2019-11-13
Buddhism - Theravada

64 | EGO!
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

65 | Essential Themes Of Buddhist Lectures
Essential Themes Of Buddhist Lectures.
by Sayadaw U Thittila on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

66 | Feelings
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Vajiro (Richard) Chia on 2002-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

67 | Five Factors
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

68 | Five Grasping Groups
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

69 | Five Hindrances
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

70 | Five Stages of Giving Up Sankhara I
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

71 | Five Stages of Giving Up Sankhara II
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

72 | Formations
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

73 | Great Chronicles Of The Buddha
Great Chronicles Of The Buddha Singapore Edition
by Ven. Mingun Sayadaw on 2008-02-01
Buddhism - Theravada

74 | Guide To Tipitaka
Guide To Tipitaka.
by U Ko Lay on 1984-02-01
Buddhism - Theravada

75 | How to Keep the Mind Silent and Progress Further?
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

76 | Illustrated Dhammapada
The Dhammapada is not a book to be read superficially like a novel and shelved aside. It should be read and re-read so that it may serve as a constant companion for inspiration, solace, and edification in times of need.
by Ven. Weragoda Sarada on 1993-11-27
Buddhism - Theravada

77 | Impermanence
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

78 | Importance Of Mindfulness
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

79 | Karma
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

80 | Life Of The Buddha
This is prepared for Secondary School Education.
by Buddha Net on 2002-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

81 | Majjhima Nikāya: Middle Discourses
Translated for Sutta Central From Pail Text Society Originals.
by Sujato Bhikkhu on 2019-11-13
Buddhism - Theravada

82 | Meditation Retreat Pali Chanting
Singapore Sri Lankaramaya Meditation Retreat 1998 Pali Chanting.
by Vajiro (Richard) Chia and Khema (Julie) Goh on 1998-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

83 | Metta Bhavana
Loving-Kindness Meditation.
by Venerable Dhammarakkhita on 2000-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

84 | Most Powerful Theravada Pali Chanting
Most Powerful Theravada Pali Chanting.
by Ven. Indaratana on 2020-09-18
Buddhism - Theravada

85 | Nibbana
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Vajiro (Richard) Chia on 2002-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

86 | Nirodha And Desire
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

87 | Pali Chanting
The Significance Of Paritta Chanting.
by Ven. Polgampola Piyananda on 2008-02-01
Buddhism - Theravada

88 | Path of Once Returner And Non-Returner
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

89 | Personality Belief
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

90 | Saṁyutta Nikāya: Linked Discourses
Translated for Sutta Central From Pail Text Society Originals.
by Sujato Bhikkhu on 2018-10-15
Buddhism - Theravada

91 | Samadhi
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

92 | Sankhara Desire Its End
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

93 | Sigalovada
Sigalovada In Pictures.
by Sigalovada on 1995-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

94 | Story Of The Buddha
This is prepared for Primary School Education.
by Buddha Net on 2002-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

95 | Ten Fetters And Stream Entry
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

96 | The 31 Planes of Existence
The 31 Realms of Existence
by Jinvamsa on 2001-10-01
Buddhism - Theravada

97 | The All And Desire
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

98 | The Four Noble Truths Are WIthin Our Desire
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

99 | The Life Of The Buddha
The Life Of The Buddha According To The Pali Suttas, is the Third Edition compiled and put together in 2001, from Buddhist Publication Society Editions in 1972 and 1978.
by Bikkhu Ñānamoli on 2001-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

100 | The Noble Eight-Fold Path
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

101 | The Path To The Deathless
Mindfulness: The Path To The Deathless.
by Ajahn Sumedho on 1994-09-01
Buddhism - Theravada

102 | The World Is Your Six Sense Base
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

103 | To Know And See
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Vajiro (Richard) Chia on 2002-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

104 | Uniqueness of Buddhist Philosophy
The Dharma Talks delivered by Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats since 1992.
by Ven. Amatha Gavesi on 1992-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

An Introduction to the Law of Kamma.
by Sayadaw U Salananda on 1998-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

106 | Words of Buddha
Buddha Vacana - Daily Readings From The Sacred Literature Of Buddhism.
by S. Dhammika on 1989-01-01
Buddhism - Theravada

107 | 1984
How Freedom Dies? The Inevitable Future Dystopia.
by George Orwell on 1949-01-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

108 | Communist Manifesto
The “Manifesto” was published as the platform of the “Communist League”, a working-men’s association, first exclusively German, later on international, and, under the political conditions of the Continent before 1848, unavoidably a secret society.
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels on 1848-06-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

109 | Covid-19 Vaccines Autopsy
White Coat Summit on Dangers of Covid-19 Vaccines & Autopsy
by Dr. Ryan Coles on 2021-07-27
Eugenics - Depopulation

About Covid-19: The Great Reset.
Eugenics - Depopulation

111 | Covidland: The Lockdown
The Lockdown is the beginning of a five-part series that chronicles how a cabal of mega-corporations worked through the United Nations to hijack our world, all while being aided by the mainstream media and Big Tech. These doctors break down the reality of the corona LockDown agenda. The virus is a prelude to the bio-weapon vaccine for depopulation, the fake vaccines that the fools and sheep are taking. You must realize what is at stake here, and keep away from the daft masses. There is no saving the blind, they will go off the cliff even if they have to plow right through you, knocking you off with them! All who support the lies and genocide agenda, are enemies of free humanity. You can't save them, you can only save yourself.
by Paul Wittenberger, Alex Jones on 2021-10-08
Eugenics - Depopulation

112 | Covidland: The Mask
The effectiveness of Mask and its Mandate psychology.
by Paul Wittenberger, Alex Jones on 2021-12-22
Eugenics - Depopulation

113 | EcoScience - Population, Resources, Environment
The most extensive and detailed coverage of environmental science.
by Paul R. Ehrlich, Annie R. Ehrlich, John P. Holdren on 1977-01-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

114 | Grid Down - Death of a Nation
The Psychology and Physiology of Human Desperation, Starvation, and Living Without Rule-Of-Law Through a Prolonged Grid Down Scenario.
by Jonathan Hollerman on 2023-09-22
Eugenics - Depopulation

115 | Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm
The most extensive and detailed coverage of environmental science.
by UK MOD with Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning on 2021-05-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

116 | Israeli Race Specific Bio Weapon For Depopulation
This is the most important video you will ever watch! These doctors, including Sherry Tenpenny, Dr Joel, etc, break down the reality of the corona agenda. This is a bio weapon for depopulation, the fake vaccines that the fools and sheep are taking. You must realize what is at stake here, and keep away from the daft masses. There is no saving the blind, they will go off the cliff even if they have to plow right through you, knocking you off with them! All who support the lies and genocide agenda, are enemies of free humanity. You can't save them, you can only save yourself.
by Slaves No More! on 2021-07-08
Eugenics - Depopulation

117 | Operation Lock Step
The most extensive and detailed coverage of environmental science.
by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network on 2010-05-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

118 | Plandemic
Plandemic InDOCTORination
by Mikki Willis on 2020-09-15
Eugenics - Depopulation

119 | Plandemic
Plandemic InDOCTORination Documentary
by Mikki Willis on 2020-04-06
Eugenics - Depopulation

120 | Plandemic - The Great Awakening
This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what's really happening in America and beyond. 'The Great Awakening' is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.
by Mikki Willis on 2023-06-03
Eugenics - Depopulation

121 | Slow Kill
The Creation and Coverup of Vaxxines from the 1960's Still Afflicting Millions Today.
by James W. Lee on 2023-06-03
Eugenics - Depopulation

122 | The Gulag Archipelago
Solzhenitsyn’s masterpiece... The Gulag Archipelago I, II & III helped create the world we live in today. A vast canvas of camps, prisons, transit centres and secret police, of informers and spies and interrogators but also of everyday heroism, The Gulag Archipelago is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's grand masterwork. Based on the testimony of some 200 survivors, and on the recollection of Solzhenitsyn's own eleven years in labour camps and exile, it chronicles the story of those at the heart of the Soviet Union who opposed Stalin, and for whom the key to survival lay not in hope but in despair.
by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on 1958-01-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

123 | The Perfect Dictatorship - China in the 21st Century
A new interpretation of the Chinese Communist Party State.
by Stein Ringen on 2016-01-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

124 | The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028
A Futuristic Scenario to Facilitate.
by Emily K. Brunson1, Hannah Chandler, Gigi Kwik Gronvall, Sanjana Ravi, Tara Kirk Sell, Matthew P. Shearer, and Monica Schoch-Spana on 2020-01-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

125 | War against the Weak
War against the Weak, Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race.
by Edwin Black on 2003-01-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

126 | You Gentiles
This shocking classic work of Jewish Supremacism maps out what the avowedly Zionist author saw as the cause of anti-Semitism through the ages: an irreconcilable difference between Jews and all Gentiles, but Europeans in particular. This difference, Samuel argued, was inherent and biological in origin. The author argues that the real point of difference between Jew and Gentile is that the Gentiles follow what he calls the base “triviality” of Gentiles versus the God-like “seriousness” of Jews. This huge psychological difference, Samuel says, is the reason why Jews regard “playful” Gentiles as backward and silly, and why Gentiles will never be able to penetrate the Jewish perception of the world. Samuel says that these inherent and unchangeable differences will always make the Jews out to be “destroyers” and the “subverters” of European culture and society.
by Maurice Samuel on 1924-01-01
Eugenics - Depopulation

127 | Face Reading
Fortune Telling For A Person In Totality - 5000 Years Chinese Wisdom Knowledge
by Tong Shu on 0001-01-01
Foretell - Face Reading

128 | A New Civilization Will Be Born Soon
A new civilization will be born brings some thought provoking ideas for us to ponder upon.
by Dr Bruce Lipton on 2020-12-29
Meditation - Consciousness

129 | 5 States of Mind (Evolution of Mind)
There are 5 states of mind one evolves through before Self-realization or enlightenment. In this video, Swami Abhedananda (a realized yogi and one of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) explains about 5 states of mental activity we all must go through before samadhi.
by Swami Abhedananda on 2019-04-06
Meditation - Mental States
| .jpg)

130 | The Power of Mindfulness
What You Practice Grows Stronger.
by Dr. Shauna Shapiro on 2016-10-01
Meditation - Mindfulness

131 | Bring Out The Magic In Your Mind
by AL KORAN on 1965-01-01
Mind - Magic

132 | Feeling Is the Secret
THIS book is concerned with the art of realizing your desire. It gives you an account of the mechanism used in the production of the visible world. It is a small book but not slight. There is a treasure in it, a clearly defined road to the realization of your dreams.
by Neville Goddard on 1944-01-01
Mind - Magic

133 | Paper Against Gold
All Kinds of Paper Against Gold.
by William Cobbett on 1828-01-01
Money - History

134 | The Creature From Jekyll Island
A Second Look at the Federal Reserve.
by G. Edward Griffin on 1994-07-01
Money - History

135 | THE EMPIRE OF 'The City'
THE EMPIRE OF 'The City' (World Superstate).
by E. C. KNUTH on 1983-01-01
Money - History

136 | The Energy Non-Crisis
Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy.
by Lindsey Williams on 1980-03-19
Money - History

“The Tea Party Economist”.
by Gary North on 2011-01-01
Money - History

138 | The Great Taking
Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting..
by David Rogers Webb on 2023-11-28
Money - History

139 | The House of Morgan
The House of Morgan, An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance (2010).
by Ron Chernow on 1990-01-01
Money - History

140 | The Law
The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish! If this is true, it is a serious fact, and moral duty requires me to call the attention of my fellow-citizens to it.
by Frederic Bastiat on 1850-01-01
Money - History

141 | The Nameless War
This appeal was sent over the signature of Chemor, Rabbi of Arles in Provence, on the 13th January, 1489. The reply came in November, 1489, which was issued over the signature of V.S.S. V.F.F. Prince of the Jews. It advised the Jews of Europe to adopt the tactics of the Trojan Horse; to make their sons Christian priests, lawyers, doctors, etc., and work to destroy the Christian structure from within.
by Maule Archibald Ramsay on 1952-07-27
Money - History

142 | The Road to Serfdom
The Road to Serfdom with The Intellectuals and Socialism.
by FRIEDRICH A. HAYEK on 1945-04-01
Money - History

143 | Karaniya Metta Sutta
Discourse on loving kindness.
by Yow Wen on 2010-09-03
MTV - Buddhism

144 | The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds
Prepper - Food And Water

This conference report is a product of the USAF Air Education and Training Command, Air University, and the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education.
by Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast Commander, Air Education and Training Command on 2022-08-27
Prepper - Foretell

146 | Electromagnetic Pulse Shielding Mitigations
Best Practices for Protection of Mission Critical Equipment.
by The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate on 2022-08-27
Prepper - Foretell

147 | Nuclear War Survival Skills
Lifesaving Nuclear Facts And Self-Help Instructions.
by Cresson H. Kearny on 1987-05-01
Prepper - Foretell

148 | The Black Swan
The Impact Of The Highly Impropable.
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb on 2007-01-01
Prepper - Foretell

149 | The Survival Medicine Handbook
A Guide For When Help Is NOT Available.
by Alton, Joseph on 2007-01-01
Prepper - Foretell
